

Benzodiazepine use and risk of incident dementia or cognitive decline: prospective population based study. Gray SL1, Dublin S2, Yu O2, Walker R2, Anderson M2, Hubbard RA3, Crane PK4, Larson EB2. BMJ. 2016 Feb 2;352:i90. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i9…


Association between falls in elderly women and chronic diseases and drug use: cross sectional study. Lawlor DA1, Patel R, Ebrahim S. BMJ. 2003 Sep 27;327(7417):712-7. フルテキストあり 横断研究、多重ロジスティック回帰、 イギリス(イングラン…


今回は皮疹を少ししらべていて治療ではないな・・・ Management of Psychotropic Drug-Induced DRESS Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Bommersbach TJ1, Lapid MI2, Leung JG3, Cunningham JL3, Rummans TA4, Kung S4. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Jun;91(6):787-8…


The impact of tiotropium on mortality and exacerbations when added to inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting β-agonist therapy in COPD.Short PM1, Williamson PA, Elder DH, Lipworth SI, Schembri S, Lipworth BJ. PMID:21799028Chest. 2012 Jan;…